Capture online conversions with Ventrata’s web checkouts

Skyline Sightseeing are driving online conversions with Ventrata​

Most shopping happens online. Certainly almost all the research for a holiday does. That’s why having a high-converting website is an important factor in running any business. Potential customers will come, have a quick look, and a sale is lost if they don’t like what they see. Ventrata’s custom-built sites are made to convert.

For Christian Watts, CEO of Skyline Sightseeing in San Francisco, one of the biggest things he saw when the company switched to Ventrata was an increase in online conversions. Our sites average a rate of 3.5 per cent and come with all the marketing tools you need to drive traffic.

“Probably the biggest part has been the web,” Watts says. “The website has been great — it’s all about conversions. And the ease of managing our products.”

Ventrata's sites are built specifically to sell tours and attractions online conversions Ventrata’s web checkouts San Francisco web checkouts Christian watts Skyline
Ventrata’s sites are built specifically to sell tours and attractions

Product management is carried out from the content management system built into your dashboard. This makes it easy to highlight certain tours on the front page of your site, and to create different landing pages for different products.

Ventrata’s sites are built specifically to sell tours and attractions. You can show off all the options you want, create online-only packages and deals, and clearly deliver all the information about your products.

People who book their tours on mobile spend 50% more, according to Arival — Tim Foster / Unsplash online conversions Ventrata’s web checkouts San Francisco web checkouts Christian watts Skyline
People who book their tours on mobile spend 50% more, according to Arival — Tim Foster / Unsplash

As Arival recently reported, people who book their tours on mobile tend to spend almost 50 per cent more than those who do on desktop. Mobile bookers are also far more likely to leave a review. That’s why it’s important for companies to think mobile first when it comes to the online experience.

Watts says it’s a big part of how the industry is changing. Whenever he compares the sales volumes of his different channels, it’s “mainly people booking on mobile” that’s showing the most growth.

Each of Ventrata’s sites is fully responsive with booking information prioritised on mobile to boost sales. Electronic tickets can be delivered to phones to make your customers’ lives easier.

Ventrata makes it easy to manage your products and increase conversions — Patrik Gothe / Unsplash online conversions Ventrata’s web checkouts San Francisco web checkouts Christian watts Skyline
Ventrata makes it easy to manage your products and increase conversions — Patrik Gothe / Unsplash

All the tools you need to manage your SEO and control your shares on social media are within the CMS. And soon you’ll have an online advertising kit within the Ventrata dashboard itself.

So if you’re wondering how to easily manage and increase your online conversions, take a look at what Ventrata can do for you. We’ve built everything you need already.

For more information on Ventrata’s websites, check out Online Sales or request a demo here

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